Film Festivals app

Film festivals are not only a feast for the eyes but also a great opportunity to be inspired, share ideas and form new relationships. Engage your event’s audience further with film festival application tailored to the needs of event-goers as well as festival organizers. There is no need in spending hundreds of dollars on building your own new festival app. Meeting Application can serve multiple types of events including the arts festival, supported by both smartphones operating systems iOS and Android.

List of films you don’t wanna miss!

A lot of what we can see at movie festivals are niche productions. Make it easier for your audience to choose the right ones. Provide them with a list of movies followed by detailed descriptions, ratings or reviews so they can have all the information they need right in their festival app. There is also a possibility to add biographies of main directors with info about their films, work, and achievements to the mobile app – movie connoisseurs will be delighted!

Aside from real-time schedule with screenings, that lets your attendees know whether there is any rearrangement concerning time or room, the festival app provides you with an additional way to keep your audience up to date. PUSH notifications reach each of your attendees with short, essential info about what’s new. Film festival application gives you a guarantee and safety of the well-informed audience.

Meeting Application proved to be an invaluable tool for Raindance Film Festival attendees, guests, and staff for organizing busy schedules from hundreds of screenings and events over the 12 days of the Festival. The festival app has a simple user interface that made it easy to find all new information.

Joseph Supple-Turnham

Raindance film festival

Get around the film festival with your event app support

There is nothing more frustrating than trying to find the room where the movie you badly wanted to watch is being played right now, especially when the event is international and the huge crowd makes a difference. Help your audience get around with all the available screening rooms marked on the interactive map right in the festival app.

As a movie festival organizer, you don’t want any of your attendees to miss a minute of the selected cinema masterpiece. They will be grateful and surely will visit your event next time. You can also add other useful points of interest to the map such as festival information booths, food courts or toilets.

I highly recommend Meeting Application. Interactive maps and the agenda feature did a great job! The mobile application was an invaluable tool for us and our attendees.

Lorne Stone

How did they like it?

After the screening of a new move is over, most of the viewers are impressed. They want to share their opinion and further discuss the movie. Use this fact, and give your audience a chance to share their thoughts. Thanks to mobile film festivals app you can create thematic discussion channels and build up your community.

What’s more, you can give your audience the possibility to rate the particular movies as well as other festival aspects – right in the mobile app. Such a feedback is valuable and necessary in order to make your event even better.

Having a feature-rich mobile app helped us a lot while organizing the event. Attendees had full access to important data, agenda, networking features, and interactive maps. We especially liked the PUSH notifications feature. In other words, Meeting Application did most of the operational work for us.

Magdalene Nowak

Read Raindance Film Festival success story

Are you ready to enhance your film festival?