Aplikacja Festiwale muzyczne

Music festivals began with the hippie movement, but contemporary festivals have little to do with that period of time. Nowadays people’s expectations are much higher. They demand a safe and well-organized event with easy access to information. Music festivals that meet these expectations will long be remembered and visited in the future.

Meeting Application supports music festival organizers and makes their job a lot easier by providing a mobile app, which features guarantee success. You don’t have to build your own music festival app, as Meeting Application can be easily customized and adjusted to serve multiple types of events including music events.

You don’t wanna miss a thing!

Missing a favorite artist’s concert due to a sudden change of time or stage is a real pain for every fan. Thanks to music festival app you can provide your audience with a real-time program, which automatically updates whenever you make a change. As a festival organizer, don’t let your audience miss a minute of their favorite band or singer’s performance!

They will be grateful and definitely will visit your event in the following edition. The app for music events enables you to send them an additional PUSH notification with the essential info to make sure everyone gets a heads-up.

Meeting Application is an invaluable aid not only when you start organizing the event, but especially during the last, hottest few days before opening the gates. This music festival application has a very flexible and intuitive backend, so it’s really easy to modify information on the go.

Justine Michalak

Get around the event with your music fest app support

There is nothing more frustrating than trying to find the stage where your favorite band is playing right now. Help your audience get around with all the available stages marked on an interactive map. You can also add other useful points of interest, such as festival information booths or parking lots.

Whether the participants are looking for a toilet or a food court, make it much easier for them to get there smoothly, despite the huge event area and crowd. The mobile app lets your participants build their own music festival schedule and you build your audience. Such personalization is the best convenience to provide.

People could get to all the meeting places on time, despite the changes in the program. This is a game changer for us.

Adrzej Bobak

Catch the moment, create memories

Music festivals right now are fueled by social media. People love taking pictures and sharing them with friends. Turn up the volume with a photo booth right inside your festival mobile app. As the organizer, you can also post photos live to engage your audience even more. And when the event ends you can use the photos for future communication.

Let your attendees keep your music festival alive thanks to the mobile app, that allows them to upload the pieces of performance in form of videos or the essential moments on photos. The whole content is accessible and gathered in one place – right in your music festival app.

App solved the problem with communication between attendees and provided constant access to the newest information during the event.

Lukas Zajac

Connect people

At music festivals, there are usually groups of people who have similar interests and taste in terms of music genre. They probably want to socialize and meet new people alike. Why don’t you encourage them to do so? Meeting Application is not only music festival planner app.

The networking feature lets attendees get to know each other – it’s just about small talk that can evolve in meaningful relationships and create the best memories associated with your event.

Are you ready to enhance your music festival?